When A Drop and Hook Goes As Planned

Drop & Hook Goes As Planned When a drop and hook goes as planned, it's a beautiful thing! Drop & Hook Operations Are Quick A smooth drop and hook pick-up can be a 30-60 minute operation when it goes well; and most do. Drop and hook deliveries are about the same then they go as planned. Live-Load & Live-Unload Operations Are Not Quick Compare this with the one to five hours it takes for a live-load pick up … [Read more...]

Friday Rainy Drive in California to Foggy Oregon

Orland, CA to Toledo, WA(click on image for a larger version in a new Tab or Window) A Friday Rainy Drive We've got a Friday rainy drive this morning in California before we get to Oregon where it's foggy in the mountains. At least a rainy drive is better than a snowy drive in the mountains! Mountain Fog in Oregon I was really worried about running into snow in the mountain passes, but it was too warm for that today, so … [Read more...]

We’ve Been Here Before

Been Here Before! Well, we've been here before! Of course that happens all the time with some places, but this hasn't been one of those places. And, since it's so tight here, I'm glad! Bakersfield, California to Manteca, California(click on image for a larger version in a new Tab or Window) Out-Of-Route Trailer Drop After delivering our loaded trailer in Manteca, we'll have to drive 30 miles out-of-route to move an empty … [Read more...]