Archives for December 2018

Dodging Road Destruction in Dexter, Maine to Pick Up Shoes

After 23 hours of down time in Newport, Maine, we've got a short drive to Dexter to pick up our next load: shoes to run to Wisconsin. I wasn't expecting to find our roadway torn up in Dexter, so we had to deal with that once we got to town. After picking up the load, we'll drive about 250 miles to finish out the day in central Massachusetts. Cities and Towns Featured Along the Way: Newport, Maine Dexter, Maine Scenic … [Read more...]

A Short Day in Maine and Reflecting on the Shooting in Las Vegas

Filmed October 2, 2017, the morning after the Route 91 Festival massacre in Las Vegas I didn't start filming today until after completing delivery because I awoke to the news about the shooting at the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Festival the night before. As you might imagine, I was distracted with the news and didn't even think about recording video until later. After making delivery, we'll drive about an hour towards our next … [Read more...]

Hauling Beer Across Upstate New York to Maine

We made it about half-way across upstate New York yesterday and parked for the night at a Flying J Travel Center. Today we're completing the drive across upstate New York, into Massachusetts and on to Maine; although it gets too dark to film after we cross the Massachusetts State Line. Cities and Towns Featured Along the Way: Albany, New York Scenic Points Along the Way: New York Scenery Hudson River Roads Traveled: … [Read more...]